Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Update (01/04/14)

So the race begins...
This week I will be planning on releasing an article every day for the entire week! Yes, you heard that correctly! I posted an article yesterday on the 50/50 guard, which can be found HERE, if you haven't seen it already. My other post before that was on a dream match between Rafael Mendes and Marcelo Garcia, which can be found HERE.
So where is the post today?!? Well, actually I've been finishing an article for Nick Aboe's blog about the galaxy/lapel guard, which should be uploaded on his channel soon, so on that I shall keep you posted. But I have been pretty much been occupied with that for the entire night, so I thought I should publish an update post just to keep you guys notified.
Tomorrow's article will most probably be about BJJ at the Olympics, and I am pretty sure everybody has an opinion about this subject, so I can expect potential carnage to rip loose tomorrow evening on Facebook and Reddit. On the subject of BJJ at the Olympics, I just want to give you guys my opinion on it, and like I always say, everything I write is from my perspective and is my own opinion, so don't take it too seriously.
Taking a look at the interviews, I have three out there, those being Ryan Hall, Kit Dale, and AJ Agazarm who I am still waiting from replies from, but hopefully they will be finished soon. With regards to who I want to interview next, it will hopefully be recent Marcelo Garcia black belt Gianni Grippo, who is one of my most favourite grapplers, simply because I love his style of Jiu-Jitsu. I have a lot of question I would like to ask him, so stay tuned for that.
Other than that, not much has really happened, but I shall be back tomorrow with my post on the Olympics.
Catch you later,


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