
Friday, 5 September 2014

Update (05/09/14) - Sponsor, Possible Interviews, Facebook Group & More!

Okay, so for the past two weeks I’ve been a little all over the place and I apologise for that. Trust me, I do.

So, what exactly has been happening? Well, I've been pretty busy over the last couple of weeks, and that's why my usual schedule has been all messed up. Hence why there was no ‘Match of the Week’ last week and no regular update posts for last two weeks. Again, I apologise.

Over the past month, I've been publishing a few non-BJJ related articles which I've really enjoyed writing. However, I think I'm going to put that on the back burner for a little while. As some of you might know, I started to write about various other topics to get away a little from BJJ and focus on some other things just to keep it fresh, and perhaps expand my audience. After doing that for a couple of weeks, I started to feel like I was pulling away from my core audience and since I've stopped writing them. Of course, in the future I will start writing about other things besides BJJ again, but I think it's just going to be a one off thing, and not a permanent fixture.

Two weeks ago, I published my interview with Kit Dale. I thought I'd never see that day come, but it did. I'm glad you all enjoyed the interview and I received lots of positive feedback. Then, last Friday, I published another interview with the 2014 purple belt absolute world champion, Edwin Najmi. Just like my interview with Kit, it did very well and I'm very proud of it. Interviews are something which I love to do and it makes me stand out from the rest of the BJJ blogs out there. 

So, who am I going to interview next? Well, I'm hoping to get an interview with Jordon Schultz because of his interesting history with Alliance and Team Lloyd Irvin, and I think I can ask him lots of interesting questions which I'm sure lots of you are dying to know the answers to. Obviously, he may not want to talk about it, and of course that is totally up to him, but if he is willing to talk about it, I think it could be my best interview to date. 

For now however, I have lots of things I want to finish, and I'll give it a few weeks before I start approaching anybody. I have loads of articles in draft which are still to be finished and I hope to get some of them out in the next few weeks. 

Okay, so what has happened to my review of Saviour Tea? Actually, it's completely written. I'm just waiting on a discount code to be sent to me, so I can include it at the end of my article. So, as soon as I receive the discount code, all I have to do is just paste it at the end of my review and publish it. I've been in contact with Ollie from Saviour Tea, and he assures me that they are working on it and I should receive the code in the next couple of days.  

Something else which has seemed to slowly die off is my ‘10 Years of BJJ’ series. No, I haven't forgot, but I've just been so focused on new series and projects that it's pretty much been pushed to the side to make way for new stuff. However, I hope to publish the next edition this weekend. 

Those of you who are keen observers would have spotted that I now have a sponsor. I've been looking for companies to sponsor me for a while and finally somebody saw the potential in my blog to do so. So, officially "The Berimbolo Kid" is now sponsored by Akuma Gear. I'd like to thank them for the opportunity and I hope we have a bright future together. 

I am very close to 100,000 views on my blog and should hit that by the end of today. When I finally reach that number, I will write a special post. So, you can expect that for tomorrow (hopefully). Now, that I'm starting to get a large amount of readers and I have a sponsor, I think it's only right that I get a Facebook group. I've actually been thinking about this for a while and now it makes sense to make one. In the beginning when I just started blogging, there was really no point, but now I'm growing all the time and I feel that I need something separate from my personal account. I’m hoping to make one in the next few days.

That's probably the longest update post I'm ever going to write. I'm also going to publishing something again in the next few hours, so make sure you come back for that.

Catch you later,


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